Holiday round Mount Teide, Tenerife
Enjoy your vacation in the Mount Teide National Park, Tenerife
Mount Teide and its surrounding national park ist the crowning glory of Tenerife. The Teide is one of the most popular spots to visit when you are on holidays in Tenerife.
There are 600 volcanoes on the island of Tenerife and Mount Teide is the highest and most impressive one. With its 3,718 m (12,198 ft) it is the highest mountain of Spain and the third highest volcano of the world after two in Hawaii. The Teide volcano and its national parc are situated in the centre of the Canary Island Tenerife.
Hôtel directement au Teide:
The 3-star hotel "Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide" is the only accommodation located in the middle of the crater of Mount Teide and in the Teide National Park .
Hotel in the Teide National Park
The Teide is definitely a wonderful sight to visit if you are on vacation in Tenerife. It can be seen from the far distance from the plane, too. Several million tourists come here on vacation every year and enjoy the beautiful scenery.
The Teide Parque Nacional is a small paradise for those who love nature, hiking or trekking. Nothing can stop you from enjoying the beauty of the virgin place. Even the air smells different. At night, the sky is clear and you see much more stars than you ever have seen before!
The full name of the parc is "Parque Nacional de Las Cañadas del Teide". The name comes from the surrounding area of the mountains of Las Canadas which border the parc from East, West and South. The Mount Teide will attract you being on vacation in Tenerife. In Spanish they name the peak of the mountain "Pico del Teide".
Mount Teide and Los Roques
The countryside on Tenerife is very charming. In the area round the vulcano mount Teide you find far-ranging woods of canary pines.
Between the drought and ocher coloured south and the deep green north full of vegetation is a very interesting contrast, you will discover making some excursions.
Trips to the Mount Teide National Park
If you want to visit the parc you will need a full day to do that. Even if you don't walk to the highest mountain of Spain, you need some time to walk through the parc. There are many routes for hiking and mountainbiking for people who are on vacation. The whole beauty of the parc will impress you so much that you need some hours to enjoy the wonderful area of Las Cañadas and Pico del Teide.
Mount Teide from Las Arenas Negras, which is a popular area for hiking
The Mount Teide National Park is a good destination for walks, hiking tours, biking or just enjoying a wonderful landscape. Going by car, you can stop any time and take pictures of the impressing area of Mount Teide and the National Park.
A Feeling like walking on Mars... Important to know is that it is worth going early to the parc because later all the busses arrive and the parc becomes a centre of mass tourism.
The mountain and volcano Pico del Teide itself is not covered with any plants.
But the caldera is full of beautiful huge flowers called Tajinaste, you see right in the image.
History and important facts about the Mount Teide National Park
The Mount Teide National Park exists since 1954 and covers an area of 136 km². It was the third national park which was founded in Spain.
With thousands of visitors per year the national park of mount Teide is the most-most visited national park of Spain and also in Europe! More than three millions of people visit the parc every year.
At just 75 square miles, the national park is relatively small. If you are on excursion in this region you will see that the whole area is pretty poor but also very impressive.
Nonetheless, it is home to 220 species of plants of which 73 are endemic to the Canarian archipelago and 16 unique to the park. It’s a testimony to nature’s ability to adapt that anything survives at such an altitude and in the face of extremes of temperature and weather, ranging from hot and dry to gale-force winds, snow and ice – sometimes all on the same day!
At the moment the volcano is dormant, but clouds of sulfur are thrown out of it. Its last eruption took place in 1909, 10 km northwest of the summit.
Hotel directly at the Teide:
The 3-star hotel "Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide" is the only accommodation located in the middle of the crater of Mount Teide and in the Teide National Park.
Hotel in the Teide National Park
Las Cañadas, the Caldera at Teide
Enclosing the bizarre rock formations, which are from a volcanic origin and the craters in the area of Las Cañadas. The area of Las Cañadas with 2000 m of altitude overlooks the drough ocher coloured landscape of the south of the islands, where the most frequented beaches are situated.
In 1798 there was the last eruption within the Las Cañadas caldera, which was formed after the collapse of a former volcano and which is very impressive. Caldera means kettle and describes a broken in place in the volcano which is formed like a kettle. This landscape has been created when the empty vaults of magma under the earth, which are near the surface, collapsed.
Eruptive material partially fills the “Las Cañadas”, which have a diameter of about 16 km. Mount Teide forms the northern border of the national park. In the south, the west and the east the mount Teide national park is limited by the cañadas.
Since the conditions around Mount Teide are very similar to those on planet Mars, the area is often used for studies by researchers who want to find methods for finding life on Mars. This beautiful landscape has so much to offer for your holidays.

You can drive with your car on the mountain up to about 2,300 m. Or if you even want to go higher, it will only take you eight minutes by the Teleférico del Teide, a cable car which takes you up as far as 150 m below the narrow snow covered summit of the highest mountain of Spain, called El Pitón. Here you can have a look over the moon-like scenery like in a science fiction movie in your holidays.
But at night you can go without permission. If you want, you can spend the night walking above, being right there on the top of Pico del Teide, when the sun rises. Here you see two photographs from the sunrise at the peak of Teide:
Sunrise at Pico del Teide
This would be an experience, you’ll never will forget!
Stunning landscape, light clouds. Up there you realize that is one of the challenging places you have ever been to.
View from Pico del Teide at sunrise
The clear night skies from the Caldera Las Cañadas in the center of tenerife make the island an ideal spot from which to appreciate the full majesty of what it is expected to be one of the most beautiful sights in the night sky for some time. A number of observatories are situated here to observe the sky.
Hotel directly at the Teide:
The 3-star hotel "Parador de Las Cañadas del Teide" is the only accommodation located in the middle of the crater of Mount Teide and in the Teide National Park.
Hotel in the Teide National Park
Research about Mount Teide
Mount Teide is - as mentioned - the third highest volcano in the world. It is one of 16 decade volcanoes worldwide considered by volcanologists to be worthy of in-depth study because of their history of large and destructive eruptions and their proximity to heavily populated areas.
...more photographs of Teide
Snowy Mount Teide in winter on Tenerife
Holidays in hotels, apartments, holiday houses and other vacation rentals in Tenerife!
Accommodation and holiday rentals for your vacation, travel and individual holidays in Tenerife: such as a holiday home, vacation home, hotel, apartment, bed and breakfast, lodging, pension, inn, studio, flak, chalet, bungalow, villa, cottage or country house.
For your stay in tenerife in an hotel or apartment hotel, house or guest house, we recommend booking your flight and rental car at the same time.