Isle of Tenerife

Archive for the 'History' Category

Wrinkly Canarian Potatoes with mojo

Dienstag, Januar 7th, 2014

Canarian Potatoes – How to make them?

Culinary skills on the island of Tenerife stand comparison with anywhere in the world.

Thanks to the history of tenerife and the canary islands. An eclectic collection of dishes now claim a place on the menus of Tenerife’s diverse restaurant, because centuries of influences stirred into the mix by the island’s location along the busy trade routes down the coast of Africa.

However, there is one speciality certain to be found in … Read the rest

Posted by Mary
Categories: About Tenerife, Culture, History

”los Guanches“ of Candelaria

Donnerstag, Januar 1st, 2009

Guanches TenerifeThe Guanches are a stonage culture who lived on the Canary Islands. It is supposed that they were coming from the north of Africa by ship or boats and that they brought all their stock with them, but this theory never has been proofed. The Guanches are probably related to the African Berbers. Some of the words that were passed down through the centuries are related to the Berber language.

The Guanches lived in all over the Canary archipel but … Read the rest

Posted by Eddy
Categories: Candelaria, Culture, History

Fiesta de la Cruz & Founding of Puerto

Sonntag, April 29th, 2007

Any excuse for a party in Puerto

They seldom need much of an excuse for a fiesta in Tenerife. But in Puerto de la Cruz in the north of the island they’re planning two fiestas in one day in May 3.

First up are celebrations to honour the founding of the town way back in 1651, involving elaborate and colourful processions through the streets.

History of Puerto de la Cruz

Puerto de la Cruz was founded in 1651. Before … Read the rest

Posted by Mary
Categories: About Tenerife, Festivals, History, Puerto de la Cruz